Raw_Image_Data_Filename: | /data/production_0/airmisr/030828_howland/run_1/An.Run.030828.160144 |
Navigation_Data_Filename: | /data/production_0/airmisr/030828_howland/nav_data/nav.030828.144115.filtered.hdf |
Product_Creation_Date: | Fri Aug 29 21:13:14 2003 |
site_name: | N/A |
exp_date: | 00000 |
intended_target_lat: | 0.000000000 |
intended_target_lon: | 0.000000000 |
expected_overpass_time: | 00:00 N/A |
time_zone_name: | N/A |
ut_to_local_time: | 0.000000000 |
earth_sun_distance: | 0.98330752757957329 |
serial_number: | AIRMISR-1 |
camera_angle: | 0.0000000000000000 |
no_lines: | 1157 |
band_name: | Band 1/Blue, 2/Green, 3/Red, 4/NIR |
time_start: | 2003/08/28T16:01:20.889872Z |
time_stop: | 2003/08/28T16:02:07.842987Z |
file_revision_number: | 01 |
code_name: | SDV_AM_L1B1_generate_camera_angle_products_p.pro |
code_cm_label: | AIRMISR_2.4 |
angle_reached: | yes |
lost_line_pct_blue: | 0.000000000 |
lost_line_pct_green: | 0.000000000 |
lost_line_pct_red: | 0.000000000 |
lost_line_pct_nir: | 0.000000000 |
interp_line_pct_blue: | 0.000000000 |
interp_line_pct_green: | 0.000000000 |
interp_line_pct_red: | 0.000000000 |
interp_line_pct_nir: | 0.1728608459 |
sat_pixel_pct_blue: | 0.000000000 |
sat_pixel_pct_green: | 0.000000000 |
sat_pixel_pct_red: | 0.000000000 |
sat_pixel_pct_nir: | 0.000000000 |
nav_data_pct: | 100.0000000 |
line_summary: | Array of 32 bit Reals [Line = 0..1156][Statistic = 0..6] long_name: line_summary |
std_total_resp: | Array of 32 bit Reals [Band = 0..3][Wavelength = 0..1470] long_name: std_total_resp |
rad_gain_coeff_1x1: | Array of 32 bit Reals [Band = 0..3][Active_pixel = 0..1503][Coefficient = 0..2] long_name: rad_gain_coeff_1x1 |
integration_time: | Array of 32 bit Reals [Band = 0..3] long_name: integration_time |
L1B1_Scaled_Rad_Blue: | Array of 16 bit Integers [Line = 0..1156][Sample = 0..1503] long_name: L1B1_Scaled_Rad_Blue Rad_scale_factor: 0.047203224152326584 Ccd_int_time: 13.439999580383301 std_inband_solar_wgted_height: 1872.2043457031250 std_inband_solar_wgted_center_wav: 447.06851196289062 std_inband_solar_wgted_width: 44.300800323486328 std_solar_wgted_height: 1866.9233398437500 std_solar_wgted_center_wav: 448.37219238281250 std_solar_wgted_width: 76.782600402832031 band_wgted_max_rad: 773.00000000000000 |
L1B1_DQI_Blue: | Array of Bytes [Line = 0..1156][Sample = 0..1503] long_name: L1B1_DQI_Blue |
L1B1_Scaled_Rad_Green: | Array of 16 bit Integers [Line = 0..1156][Sample = 0..1503] long_name: L1B1_Scaled_Rad_Green Rad_scale_factor: 0.046470444649457932 Ccd_int_time: 18.879999160766602 std_inband_solar_wgted_height: 1850.0358886718750 std_inband_solar_wgted_center_wav: 558.82220458984375 std_inband_solar_wgted_width: 28.703199386596680 std_solar_wgted_height: 1839.7769775390625 std_solar_wgted_center_wav: 559.57550048828125 std_solar_wgted_width: 76.556396484375000 band_wgted_max_rad: 761.00000000000000 |
L1B1_DQI_Green: | Array of Bytes [Line = 0..1156][Sample = 0..1503] long_name: L1B1_DQI_Green |
L1B1_Scaled_Rad_Red: | Array of 16 bit Integers [Line = 0..1156][Sample = 0..1503] long_name: L1B1_Scaled_Rad_Red Rad_scale_factor: 0.038470935076475143 Ccd_int_time: 25.599998474121094 std_inband_solar_wgted_height: 1524.4556884765625 std_inband_solar_wgted_center_wav: 671.80780029296875 std_inband_solar_wgted_width: 21.053499221801758 std_solar_wgted_height: 1522.3205566406250 std_solar_wgted_center_wav: 666.72467041015625 std_solar_wgted_width: 138.53970336914062 band_wgted_max_rad: 630.00000000000000 |
L1B1_DQI_Red: | Array of Bytes [Line = 0..1156][Sample = 0..1503] long_name: L1B1_DQI_Red |
L1B1_Scaled_Rad_Nir: | Array of 16 bit Integers [Line = 0..1156][Sample = 0..1503] long_name: L1B1_Scaled_Rad_Nir Rad_scale_factor: 0.024670248851180077 Ccd_int_time: 21.760000228881836 std_inband_solar_wgted_height: 969.84381103515625 std_inband_solar_wgted_center_wav: 866.69177246093750 std_inband_solar_wgted_width: 39.124801635742188 std_solar_wgted_height: 975.45587158203125 std_solar_wgted_center_wav: 860.74768066406250 std_solar_wgted_width: 153.22779846191406 band_wgted_max_rad: 404.00000000000000 |
L1B1_DQI_Nir: | Array of Bytes [Line = 0..1156][Sample = 0..1503] long_name: L1B1_DQI_Nir |