Attributes { HDF5_GLOBAL { String data_collection_start_date "20230627"; String file_creation_date "11-Jul-2024 14:13:34"; } CH4DataProducts { } Nav_Data { } UserInput { } CH4DataProducts_MixedLayerHeight { String Description "HALO Backscatter Mixed Layer Heights calculated from 532_bsc in LBW file. (nadir)"; String Unit "m,AGL"; String origname "MixedLayerHeight"; String fullnamepath "/CH4DataProducts/MixedLayerHeight"; } CH4DataProducts_XCH4_clear { String Description "Dry air mole fraction of CH4 between aircraft and ground"; String Unit "none"; String origname "XCH4_clear"; String fullnamepath "/CH4DataProducts/XCH4_clear"; } CH4DataProducts_SSE_clear { String Description "Scattering surface elevation during clear conditions"; String Unit "m"; String origname "SSE_clear"; String fullnamepath "/CH4DataProducts/SSE_clear"; } CH4DataProducts_SSE_cloudy { String Description "Scattering surface elevation during cloudy conditions"; String Unit "m"; String origname "SSE_cloudy"; String fullnamepath "/CH4DataProducts/SSE_cloudy"; } CH4DataProducts_IWF_clear { String Description "Integrated weighting function between aircraft and ground"; String Unit "none"; String origname "IWF_clear"; String fullnamepath "/CH4DataProducts/IWF_clear"; } CH4DataProducts_XCH4_clear_2hz { String Description "Dry air mole fraction of CH4 between aircraft and ground, 2 Hz raw data"; String Unit "none"; String origname "XCH4_clear_2hz"; String fullnamepath "/CH4DataProducts/XCH4_clear_2hz"; } CH4DataProducts_XCH4_pbl { String Description "Dry air mole fraction of CH4 between cloud top and ground"; String Unit "none"; String origname "XCH4_pbl"; String fullnamepath "/CH4DataProducts/XCH4_pbl"; } CH4DataProducts_XCH4_cloudy { String Description "Dry air mole fraction of CH4 between aircraft and clouds"; String Unit "none"; String origname "XCH4_cloudy"; String fullnamepath "/CH4DataProducts/XCH4_cloudy"; } CH4DataProducts_IWF_cloudy { String Description "Integrated weighting function between aircraft and clouds"; String Unit "none"; String origname "IWF_cloudy"; String fullnamepath "/CH4DataProducts/IWF_cloudy"; } Nav_Data_gps_lon { String Description "Longitude"; String Unit "deg"; String origname "gps_lon"; String fullnamepath "/Nav_Data/gps_lon"; } Nav_Data_gps_lat { String Description "Latitude"; String Unit "deg"; String origname "gps_lat"; String fullnamepath "/Nav_Data/gps_lat"; } Nav_Data_gps_time { String Description "UTC hours"; String Unit "hrs"; String origname "gps_time"; String fullnamepath "/Nav_Data/gps_time"; } Nav_Data_gps_alt { String Description "Altitude of aircraft"; String Unit "m"; String origname "gps_alt"; String fullnamepath "/Nav_Data/gps_alt"; } UserInput_laser_ground_spot_lat { String Description "latitude at point laser intersects ground on slant path"; String Unit "deg"; String origname "laser_ground_spot_lat"; String fullnamepath "/UserInput/laser_ground_spot_lat"; } UserInput_laser_ground_spot_DEM { String Description "Altitude of GLOBE DEM at point laser intersects ground on slant path"; String Unit "m"; String origname "laser_ground_spot_DEM"; String fullnamepath "/UserInput/laser_ground_spot_DEM"; } UserInput_DEM_altitude { String Description "Altitude of GLOBE digital elevation map including GEBCO ocean depths"; String Unit "m"; String origname "DEM_altitude"; String fullnamepath "/UserInput/DEM_altitude"; } UserInput_laser_ground_spot_lon { String Description "longitude at point laser intersects ground on slant path"; String Unit "deg"; String origname "laser_ground_spot_lon"; String fullnamepath "/UserInput/laser_ground_spot_lon"; } }